Project Update - 1 - Still Starting

 I know this is still the start of the project but I feel like this is a good place to do a bit of self-reflection, I have started to do some readings into design theory, having broken down the question and focused on this idea of "rules" within Graphic Design I got some books out of the library looking at Graphic Design theory that being Grid Systems which I know a lot about and The Futurist Manifesto as I felt they fit well into this idea of looking for "rules" in Graphic Design. 

I really like this idea of looking at both Design theory books and Manifestos from within the art history, as I think they could give me different insights and perspectives when it comes to answering the question. In relation to answering this question, I feel more and more like I should try and create a final piece for the project that can in some way answer the question. I'm not sure what this could look like yet but I think it's a good way in which I can apply what I learn during this research and helps me to research towards something otherwise I would just feel like I am going in circles constantly researching something without finality to it.

I relation to the project as a whole, I'm still quite confused as to what it is all about and if I am even doing the right thing, but I think the only way I am able to shake this feeling is to just keep at it. Keep looking at books in the field and just keep researching. I'm sure I will soon know if I am on the right track, hopefully.


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