Our Book


I also found a manifesto from one of my favorite designers, El Lissitzky who founded the constructivist art movement in soviet Russia. I never knew he wrote a manifesto of sorts that was for constructivism, this would have come in handy last year when I did an essay on the art movement. What I like about this is that Lissitzky talks about creating something automatically, that artists/designers have a way of doing something that is done without them being fully aware. Perhaps this is how constructivism was created? 

The more I read these manifestos the more I'm finding myself fascinated with how they are written and how they came to be written, it might be interesting for me to try and attempt to write my own manifesto? what it would be about I have no idea but it could be an interesting way to research something.

Graphic Design theory: readings from the field. Armstrong, Helen. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2009.


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