Why a Manifesto - Who is it for?

 See when I started to think more about my Manifesto and what it would be about I began to think if it was actually useful for other people and if it even answered my question, I have these ideas of grandeur that the manifesto will be amazing and solve so many problems.

I decided to do a mindmap where I tried to list who exactly the manifesto would be for and if it would even be useful.

As you can see I couldn't really put that much down on the page when I tried to think who the audience for the manifesto would be, yes maybe artists would find it interesting but even then would it help them, would it resonate in any way. I'm just not sure it will do that nor now that I think about it will it even be appropriate for the project question, yes some of the manifestos I have read in my research read like theory books and give a new way of thinking but I don't think it works as well. Throughout this research I have found myself more interested in the theory and rule books on graphic design, they have sparked more ideas in me than anything else. I think moving forward I want to look at more theory books and see if they can give me more of an idea for somehow making a final piece of design for this project.

Along with wanting to look more into theory books to find ideas, I think I have found my audience from this little exercise. I think this project should be for me, it should both focus on me and in some way help me, I'm not quite sure how exactly I will do this but I feel like it will create a better stronger project than the idea of making a manifesto for everyone.


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