Allowing myself to think and be myself
Because I know I want this handbook to be for myself and to help me understand how I am creative and approach a project I think I need to write down exactly what I want to include in the book as the "rules", I want them to be partially about my way of approaching a project and how I am creative. I also want to include some reminders to myself as I think they will be helpful, throughout this project I've been very doubting of myself and I want to at least remind myself that this is okay and everything I am doing is correct and works for me.
Rules for the book
1# Gain a base level of understanding, dissect the problem bit by bit until you understand it.
2# Always use mindmaps of lists to get ideas out and into the open, don't be afraid of an idea.
3# Research in-depth, keep looking deeper and deeper into something until you think you have everything then look again.
4# Take inspiration from anything, look at books, the internet, film, and tv. Anywhere you can find inspiration use it.
5# Draw when researching, it helps to improve your ideas and to gain greater understanding.
6# Experiment, just create and don't worry about the outcome.
7# Get your hands dirty, not everything needs to be perfect, try to create things by hand.
8# Sketches are your way of thinking, do as many as you need.
I could only really write 8 rules for myself and while I like them I'm not too sure it's exactly what I want to go for. I think it would work a bit better if it was more positive and reminder-ie for me. Because I am basically making this for myself I want it to benefit me the most, so I will rewrite them to be a bit more like this.
Reminders for the book
1# Research but don't focus entirely on it
2# Get your hands dirty use all the materials
3# Draw as much as possible don't rely on digital
4# It's okay not to like something
5# Experiemtn with everything, experimentation is the best
6# You are not going to be amazing straight away
7# Do what you want to do
8# Trends aren't always the best
These new rules/reminders work better for me, I think these are things that I will always want to remind myself about and to try and follow to become and be what I want to be as a designer. Now that I have these I can start to design the book.
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