My Final Post
For me this project started off as something that I felt would be completely theory-based, I thought I would end up looking a bit at my past work but not this much. This project quickly turned into something very personal to me as I started to do all these parts of the project I found myself doubting, trying to push past that doubt, doubting again, and then deciding to grow and remind myself that I do know what I am doing.
I am very glad that this project turned into such a personal one as I feel what I learned here will help to improve the way I work and trust myself in the future, I can use the book I made as part of this project (even though we were not tasked to create something) to act as a constant reminder for myself. I think this is probably the strongest part of this entire project, the personal aspect that grew in it I feel it has propelled it into something different for me.
This project allowed me to see the way I work in a way that I have never been able to before, I'm very glad I pick this question even if the start was stressful and confusing.
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