My Past Projects - Part 3

 I decided the next project I would look at would be one I felt was one of my strongest projects to ever produce, this was my Major Project for my third year and was the project where I put in everything I learned over my years in education to build a very strong and competent project.

One thing I notice straight away that I do differently is I started responding to my research before at all the projects I have looked at I hadn't done this. I had only responded by saying what I like about it or what I had learned from it, I hadn't responded by drawing next to it this drawing is influenced by the research. This I think is what propelled my research further and improved it, I really like this idea of actually responding to the research rather than just typing something that confirms I understand it. Along with this it's a much more fun way to research so why didn't I do this for my other projects, was it because I just hadn't thought about doing it?


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