Theory of Practice

 Looking at both my way of producing a piece of design and looking at my past projects I've found myself more and more aware of the amount of practice I have had over these years, working towards briefs and producing graphic design. It reminded me of the saying "Practice makes Perfect" which really applies to my work and the amount of time I've been working on my designs. Time really does help. Thinking about this I decided to google the theory of practice to see if there has been anything written about this. 

This is what I found when searching, it is a diagram that attempts to explain how everyday practices are impacted and impact each over to create the social practices. It's an interesting way of looking at the way in which normal people spend their lives and go about each day, this is definitely something I have never thought about before.

This is my practice cycle that I decided to create to attempt to explain my own practice. Within I put Research, Learning, Repetition, and Failure I want to break down why I put these in here and why I think they all help to create my practice and creativity. 

Research - this one is pretty self-explanatory however I feel it impacts my practice a lot, it helps me to understand things and find/see things that then improve and change my practice. This one probably a lot of people do that impacts their practice.

Learning - I need to learn in order to do something and I normally find myself learning from online sources such as YouTube, learning within an educational setting, and simply letting myself try something and learning from that.

Failure - In learning, I mentioned how sometimes I learn just by trying something, this is where failure helps a lot. Most of my best ideas and designs have come from failure which has at the time seemed like the end but has ultimately created something really good. I would say Failure is the most influential part of my practice cycle and has allowed me to learn complex things, simply by accepting that I will fail a lot at first in whatever I am doing but trusting that I will learn from this and grow to understand it better. 

Repetition - This along with the failure aspect of the cycle is the most important and effective part of the cycle. Repeating the same thing over and over again can improve my practice so much and take it to another level. 


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