What I do Automaticaly
I wanted to create a post for myself that lists all the things that I do automatically when working on a project or producing a piece of design again.
I find it ironic that when thinking about what I do automatically the first thing I do is to write a list and I put lists on there, this is something that really helps me and it's become more and more obvious to me the more I do it during this project.
Its been so interesting looking at myself like this because I have never done it really nor have I ever noticed all these things I do when working on a project or producing a piece of design, if anything it gives me even more confidence in myself that I felt I lost during this project and have now seemed to regain during this time of looking closer at myself than ever before. I'm glad I decided to do this, as it shows to me how these years have really helped to improve my way of working and how practice can really make a massive difference for someone and help to make them better.
I think this idea I have of creating a book that reminds me that I am confident in my own work and I do know what I am doing (mostly), I think I will move forward with this idea and attempt to make this book as it will really help me in the future.
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